November 6 Troop Meeting

Troop 286 Meeting Plan


Service Patrol Eagles

Gathering Activity: How to utilize a compass (Cole M, John A, Tristan S Gentleman arrive at 6:45 pm)

Opening: Normal

Patrol Corners: Advancements, finish patrol flags


Merit Badge: Electricity with Mike Sosnowski

Skills Instruction: Utilizing a map and compass together (Cole M, Tyler H)

Closing: How is our clean-up process going


Toronto Payment Due $125

Toronto agenda:

Staying at Camp Nemo, Baden Powell Lodge, Burlington ON
Taking GO Train to union St Sat am
Ripleys Aquarium 1st stop 10am
CN Tower
Hockey HOF
Richtree Restaurant
Back to union St and GO Train back to burlington
More detailed information coming out today
Scouts will need boarder crossing letter from parent
Everything coming in email later this weekend

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