
Summer Camp Sign Up and Bunk Deposit of $100

Summer Camp will be here before you know it.  Details are as follows: 

  • If you go to the doctor for your physical take your medical form with you!!!!
  • At Scouthaven from 7/6/25 through 7/11/25
  • Bunk deposit of $100.00 is due by 3/15/25
  • Total pricing $550.youth
  • Total pricing $230.00 Adults
  • Campership applications due 4/1/25
  • Final payment due 5/1/25
  • Late fee of $25 added after 5/1/25
  • Merit Badge Sign Up scheduled to open on 5/15/25 and a Scout must have $275 paid 

Yours in Scouting,


Scout Days at Holiday Valley 3/1/25 and 3/2/25 (EARN THE SNOW SPORTS MERIT BADGE)

Troop 286,

Happy winter, Scout Days at holiday valley are upon us again and mother nature has left a lot of snow for you to enjoy.  This event is available to all family members as well and this year if you attend Scout Days you will be offered the opportunity to earn the Snow Sports merit badge as well.  Details are as follows:

  • I cannot supervise the scouts that attend so this activity is designed for families to come and provide supervision for scouts.
  • Scouts provide transportation to and from the event.
  • Skiing or Snowboarding options are as follows for 3/1/25 and 3/2/25
  1. Everyone must wear or rent a helmet $10
  2. Lift and Lesson Day $47
  3. Lift and Lesson Night $37 ages 12 and above for lessons at night
  4. Lift Lesson and Rental Day $64
  5. Lift Lesson and Rental Night $52 ages 12 and above for lessons at night
  6. Lift = an eight hour left pass
  7. Lesson = a 50 minute professional lesson
  8. Lesson times 10:30 am, 1:30 pm on Saturday 3/1/25
  9. Lesson times 10:30 am, 1:30 pm, and 3:30 pm on Sunday
  10. Night Lessons on Saturday are 5:30, 6:30 and 7:30 pm  
  • Most will need lift, lesson and rental if you do not have your own equipment
  • After your lessons James and Dan Dahlke will guide you in the skiing activities needed for the snow sports merit badge
  • We will have one off snow class at a later date to complete the merit badge

Please reply to this email if you intend on attending this event and maybe we can organize a group of 286 scouts to attend on the same day which would create its own supervision on the slopes.  For parents that do not ski Holiday Valley has a beautiful lodge for you to enjoy.

Yours in Snow Sports

James and Dan

Meeting Plan 2/10 at 7pm 

Meeting Plan 2/10 at 7pm 

Gathering Activity 7pm-7:15pm:

Start building a contraption in your patrol for the Egg Drop! 

Flags & Announcements 7:15-7:25pm 

Patrol Corners 7:25-8pm: work on Egg Drop as a patrol 

Closing Flags & Announcements

What is next?

No Sledding Crockpot Campout February 14-16 @ Scouthaven. We are staying in the Lakeside Lodge. Please drop off your Scout after 6pm. The cost is $25 per person. Sledding (need helmet) and Scout Advancements based on who is attending are for Second class 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D and 4. First Class 5B, 5C, 5D and 9C. We will learn how to make Charcloth, fire building and stove lighting. Timmy and Sean are fulfilling their meal planning & cooking requirements. Packing list email coming in a separate email. Please sign up on Monday if you haven’t already!

• February 17: Presidents Day – no scout meeting

• February 24: Out meeting!!! Axe throwing!! Grand Throw House, 361 Lang Blvd, Grand Island, NY 14072. We will be Axe Throwing from 7pm-8:30pm ish. It’s a $20 per person rate, which is a great discount! 

• Everyone needs to sign a waiver before that date: https://www.grandthrow.com/waiver

This is open to all our scouts, adults and siblings are welcome to join as well. Closed toed shoes are required. Sign up

Monday! Thank you Mr. Harold for setting this up!

• Scout Days @ Holiday Valley March 1 & 2. Details to follow. Mr. Dahkle is leading this event.

• Big City Trip: sign up by or on 2/3. April 13-16 in Philadelphia. Look at separate email from Mr. Dahlke 

• Deep Fried Campout in Allegany: Mark your calendars for May 9-11 at Group Camp 5 in Allegany State Park. More details to come on this weekend. Please remember adults must be registered & complete Youth Protection Training in order to stay overnight. This is open to the entire family! This a fun weekend that the Pack & Troop do everything together. 


Kelly Mayback 

Meeting Plan 2/3

Meeting Plan 2/3

Gathering Activity 7pm-7:15pm:

SPL & ASPLs please arrive at 6:50pm for set up. Activity is the knot bridge.

Flags & Announcements 7:15-7:25pm  

  • We need an immediate RSVP for the Philadelphia Big City Trip. What this means is to have this trip be as affordable as possible we need at least 25 participants.  Please reply to this email as your sign up to attend this adventure and let me know all who are planning to attend. The cabin has been reserved at a price of $ 645.00 by the troop and can be canceled on 2/3/25 with a full refund if we do not have 25+ people sign up. Therefore we need everyone to sign up by the 2/3/25 meeting or now. Tentative price is $230 per person.

Patrol Corners 7:25-7:45pm: work on advancements 

Skills Teaching 7:45pm-8:10pm: Second/First class knots/lashings for requirement sign offs.

Closing Flags & Announcements: 

Whats next?

  • No Sledding Crockpot Campout February 14-16 @ Scouthaven in the Lakeside Lodge. $25 per person campout. The menu & cooking will be done by Timmy & Sean! This will be a sledding & Scout Skills weekend. Get some advancements completed. Sign up at Mondays meeting. See Mrs. Mayback with questions.
  • February 17: Presidents Day – no scout meeting
  • Big City Trip: sign up by or on 2/3. April 13-16 in Philadelphia. Look at separate email from Mr. Dahlke 
  • Deep Fried Campout in Allegany: Mark your calendars for May 9-11 at Group Camp 5 in Allegany State Park. More details to come on this weekend. Please remember adults must be registered & complete Youth Protection Training in order to stay overnight. This is open to the entire family! This a fun weekend that the Pack & Troop do everything together. 


Kelly Mayback 

Scoutmaster Troop 286

Scout Sunday Feb 2nd

This Sunday is Scout Sunday, the anniversary of scouting. We will be attending 9:30am mass together withthe Pack. We will meet at 9am at Father Cotter Hall where we meet in Mondays.  We will be greeting parishioners as they enter church. We will be following the alter servers/Priest processional. We have a few rows reserved for our families to sit together.  We will carry the troop flag in. The pack will bring up the gifts during the mass. There is a Scout Sunday you will be given for attending. 

Please respond to this email if you are attending. 


Kelly Mayback

Meeting Plan 1/27 at 7pm and Upcoming Activities

Meeting Plan 1/27 at 7pm 

Gathering Activity 7pm-7:15pm:
Broom ball led by SPL & ASPLs

Flags & Announcements 7:15-7:25pm  

Scout Sunday is February 2nd at Blessed Sacrament at 9:30am mass. Please meet at Father Cotter Hall at 9:15 and we will walk over to the church together. Full Uniforms.  Look for a separate email with more details. Scout Sunday is the Scouting Anniversary Day.

Patrol Corners 7:25-7:45pm: work on advancements

Skills Teaching 7:45pm-8:10pm:
Klondike Knot Challenge.  Even though the Klondike has taken place there always room for improvement!  

Closing Flags & Announcements
Popcorn Prizes will be handed out!

**Do you have news to share? Did you make the team? Did you pass a really hard test?  Did you get your permit? Let us know so we can recognize you at closing flags**

No Sledding Campout February 14-16 @ Scouthaven in the Lakeside Lodge. This is a $25 per person campout. Sledding & Scout Skills weekend. Sign up at Mondays meeting. See Mrs. Mayback with questions.

February 17: Presidents Day – no scout meeting

February 24: Out meeting!  TBD

Scout Days @ Holiday Valley March 1 & 2. Details to follow. Mr. Dahkle is leading this event.

Big City Trip: Dates are changed slightly April 13-16 in Philadelphia. Look for a separate email from Mr. Dahlke 

Deep Fried Campout in Allegany: Mark your calendars for May 9-11 at Group Camp 5 in Allegany State Park. More details to come on this weekend. Please remember adults must be registered & complete Youth Protection Training in order to stay overnight. This is open to the entire family! This a fun weekend that the Pack & Troop do everything together. 

Kelly Mayback 
Scoutmaster Troop 286

Winter Klondike 1/24-1/26

There is still time to sign up for the Klondike Derby Campout at Scouthaven on January 25-26.  Please let me know asap if you wish to attend. We will be staying in Safari Lodge. The cabin is heated with a pellet stove, is equipped with electricity, fridge & stove. We will be bringing water with us. $30 per person ($15 to Council,  $15 to Troop for food). There is a council late fee for anyone who signs up after January 20th. Please let me know prior so we can shop appropriately for our size group. 

Please drop off your Scouts after 6pm on Friday.  Pick up no later than 9am on Sunday. If you need assistance with transportation let me know!

Attachments are a packing list & Camporee guide which includes the weekend schedule.  The Troop has been preparing for this campout with knots/lashings & first aid skill/trivia sessions for several weeks.  We are prepared!  Saturday is a day/night long program that everyone participates and works as a patrol.  By signing up, we are agreeing to participate, follow the camporee rules, The Scout Oath & Law. The list below are the leaders/scouts signed up: 

Kelly Mayback 

Brighton Golf Dome

Monday,  January 20 the Troop was invited to join the Pack 286 at the Brighton Golf Dome at 6:15pm for $6 per person.  It’s open to the whole family. Please email Lisa Abramo with your headcount: Mrslisa68@yahoo.com 


Kelly Mayback

Scoutmastet Troop 286

Meeting Plan 12/16 at 7pm

Meeting Plan 12/16 at 7pm

Troop dues and registration are due. We are also collecting non pershables for the Blessed Sacrament

Troop Holiday Party! Please wear your favorite holiday attire and you can bring a snack to share. There will be a nacho bar, cocoa, games and more!

No Scouts December 23.

December 30 – out meeting is at Urban Air $27 per person. Let Mrs. Mayback know if you’re attending. Payment will be collected at Urban Air.

Next Meeting is January 6th.

Winter Klondike January 25-26 @ Scouthaven – sign up today! We will be staying in Safari Lodge. The cost is $30/person.

Kelly Mayback

Meeting Plan 12/2 at 7pm

Meeting Plan 12/2 at 7pm

Gathering Activity helping Tenderfoot requirements one mile run/walk, pushups, situps, sit & reach for Daniel L, Jeffery B, Sean T, Timmy L, Gavin C, Jackson S, Jayden G. These scouts do not require a uniform this week. Please come dressed for the physical activity. 

Flags & Announcements 

Patrol Corners: Advancements 

Closing Flags & Announcements:

We are collecting non perishables until December 16 for the Blessed Sacrament Food Pantry. 

Evan M has 16 boxes of the 6pk butter microwave popcorn for $12 available to purchase.  Please email Josh Mee if you’re interested in buying: 


The Troop has some popcorn available for purchase. Email/text Tom Duffy if you are interested. 

6 – popping corn

3 – Bills tins

5 – Caramel Corn

2 – trail mix

3 – cashews

5 – White Cheddar bag

Looking ahead:

Dec 9 & 16 meetings we are collecting non perishables for the Blessed Sacrament pantry.

December 16 is the Troop Holiday Party. Please wear your favorite Holiday attire & you can bring a delicious snack to share. There will be a Nacho bar & cocoa.

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