Charter dinner
The Charter Dinner is Monday, February 23rd at 6pm at Brighton Community Church. The troop provides the roast beef and you bring a dish to pass. Each scout will be recognized for his achievements and the activities he attended the past year.
Service Patrol for setup: Fox/Dragons/Nameless – arrive at 5pm if possible
Service Patrol for cleanup: Platypi/Mongoose
1) Washington deposit of $70
2) Summer Camp deposit of $25
Families whose last name begin with A-M should bring a casserole and those beginning with N-Z a desert. Based an signups below we have enough deserts so if a family wants to switch to casserole its ok. Also 5 families said “salad”. If some of you can bring macaroni or tuna salad, that would be great. Please let me know if there are any changes. If others are not on the list are attending, please let me know so we can get an approximate count.
McGinniss – 6 Chef Salad/Brownies
Gilmartin – 6 Broccoli Casserole/Salad
Reardon – 3 cookies
Dahlke – 3 meatballs
Thurston – 3 dessert
Jones – 2 dessert
Korman – 3 dessert
Orrange – 5 potatoes
Callari – 3 or 4 cup cakes / potato salad
Abramo – 4 dessert
Marcotte – 2 mac & cheese
Sternin – 2-3 brownies or cookies
Hamblen – 4 salad
LaPorta – 4
Hicks – 4
Schmidt – 3 salad
Parker – 2 Brandon’s surprise!
Kuschke – 5 dessert
Brylinski – 1
Oetinger – 1
Dywan – 5 salad
Archibald 3-4
Shubert – 3 casserole
Crosby – 4
Yours in Scouting
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