Claim jumper


Next weeks meeting will be focused on planning for claimjumper. Patrols will stratigize and pull their patrol gear. Patrol leaders will take their patrol gear home with them that night and be responsible for getting it to camp and home after the Claimjumper. Gear will be returned to the troop cleaned at the next meeting. Please bring $20 and permission slip to this meeting if you have not already turned them in.

The patrols were picked by the patrol leaders with careful consideration of age, experience and who they work well with. Example, 2 of the Dywans are new and have never played the game. They are in separate patrols. Changes can be made but only by the patrol leaders at or before the meeting on Monday

Fox Patrol
Matt Mcginniss – PL
Zach Archibald
John Dywan
Tyler Hamblen
Joe Kuschke
John Kuschke
Tyler LaPorta
Jeff Randle
Conner Gillmartin

TTCKA Patrol
Eric Brylinski – PL
Conner Shubert
Nathan Whalen
Cory Pietrzyk
Chris Reardon
Cammeron Williams
Jordan Dywan
Paul Orrange
Trevor Jones

No Name Patrol
Will Crosby – PL
Josh Korman
Colin Archibald
Jimmy Dahlke
Matt Sternin
Mike McGinniss
Jared Dywan
Ben Thurston
Dana Whalen

Yours in Scouting


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