


Troop Meeting May 2nd


Service Patrol is Mongoose


Gathering:  Football – Matt M

Patrol Meeting: Advancement

Skills Instruction: Camp Gadget Building Contest – build one on your own or with your patrol – Jimmy D

MB: Collections – Dennis G




  1. SSR Shootout May 7th 8am to 3pm Cost $15
  2. Bottle & Can Drive Pickup May 7th 9am to 12 noon
  3. Scout Garrison Camporee at Ft Niagara May 20th to May 22nd – last night for $25 cost, $30 thereafter
  4. PJ Schmidt Eagle Scout Ceremony Monday May 16th 7pm at church
  5. The 2017 National Jamboree registration is now open. Total cost is $1750.
  6. 2017 Philmont – Jason Crosby is forming a Philmont crew of 12 people for the same week as the National Jamboree above.  Cost will be about $1500.  Talk to Jason if you’re interested.


Yours in Scouting


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